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Archived Newsletters



This edition lists the many events, workshops and talks planned for the next four months. Check out our new trustees, the replacement bridge and an exciting dawn chorus walk with our new Ranger.


This edition contains the agenda, annual report and the accounts for 2015-16 plus details of upcoming talks and events for all ages. Membership renewal forms can be found on the last two pages. 


It has been a busy summer and this edition of our newsletter reflects on what has been achieved and our plans for the Autumn. Sunday afternoon openings end on September 24th, but there will be a family drop in activity in half term week.



This edition contains news of a secretive bird, poetry and photos, reflections on our work with local schools, and successful projects with the National Trust at Birling Gap and Sheffield Park. 

Lots to be proud of, but savage cuts to ESCC budgets threaten our Nature Corridors for All group.




With details of early summer activities on the nature reserve, school visits and Sunday afternoon walks and talks, this edition is well worth downloading so you can update your diary! If you are not already a member of the Trust, please join us and support our work.


This newsletter rightly concentrates on the busy programme of education projects devised and run by John Parry and illustrates the hugely successful annual event, this year entitled 'A Place to Think With'. News of upcoming events and activities is to be found at the end of the newsletter. 


A new look for edition 90, our plans for the next few months, and volunteering opportunities for all ages. Don't miss the demonstration and book launch by the Lewes Printmakers on November 27th and a chance to see Tom Walker's portrait of our own 'green man'!





The deadline for photo entries into the 2015 competition is on the 15th January, and there are two fund raising events to enjoy in February and March.

Lou Glandfield's humorous and satirical musical one man show 'Doppler's Other Effect' will amuse and amaze on Sunday February 8th at 7pm. Tickets £5 available from Harveys Shop and on the door.




New faces and news of an ambitious schools project 'RailwayLandLive!' plus the Nature Corridors groups' latest project and for members an extra booklet of reports and details of the accounts for the AGM on Friday 15th May.




Results of the Flora Survey, summer activities and notice of the remaining walks and talks held on Sunday afternoon openings. Insert contains details of the programme of fundraising events held throughout the coming months.





The Railway Land is not only a small urban reserve it is potentially 'a place to think with'… as a Man and Biosphere reserve it is recognised for exceptional work in relation to people and wildlife.

News of our collaboration with the Environment Agency to become a sea level rise community hub, and becoming part of the first Climate Change Trail in the UK.

A tribute to Dr Alison Jolly and the first report from the Madagascar Project inspired by her. 

Results of the photographic competition…. the People's Choice..Jon Tooley's 'cormorant in the Heart of Reeds'




Festival news, information about the 'Treasures from Trash' Exhibition, and a summary of all the projects John has undertaken with Priory School, Nature Corridors for All and Coastal Communities youth group.



Plans for the future and reflections on a busy summer of events at the Linklater.





The Autumn Bird Report, works on the Reserve and the Nature Corridors Open Days are featured in this edition. We look forward to February's Photographic Exhibition and plans for our 25th anniversary in 2013.

If you want to catch An Evening with Simon Evans at the Linklater on 27th January, get your tickets from IEKO, or Harveys Shop in Lewes or phone 01273-487798 and leave number required, name, email or phone number and we will get back to you.




All you need for the AGM, plus the results of the photographic competition and news of this year's events. 2013 is the 25th Anniversary of the RLWT

Support us by buying tickets for the RLWT25 celebration raffle at the Sunday afternoon Linklater openings starting in May




Priory School students create a brilliant new interactive leaflet for the RLWT, undercroft exhibits are unveiled - plus a chance to catch up on the collective names for different species of birds! Keep November 8th free as the RLWT 25th Celebration evening takes place in the Town Hall. Details of how to apply for tickets will follow later this summer.




This edition rounds off our 25th Anniversary Celebrations - and includes news of the birds & bees, a change in the LDC Ranger personnel, a giant tree descends but the dipping platform rises, and it is time to get your cameras out, as the closing date for photo entries is January 24th 2014…..

Don't forget to get your tickets for the hottest show in town!
'An evening with Simon Evans' 26th January 2014





The 'People's Choice' of the Railway Land Images 2012 exhibition was announced on Sunday 19th February. Summer Paterson deservedly won with this fiery shot. This newsletter contains winning photos from the competition, details of the 1st year's activities in the Linklater, and reports from the LDC Ranger, the bird group and other work on the Reserve.





As we celebrate the 25 years of the Lewes Railway Land's existence as an urban wildlife park we look back in our archives and forward to the challenges of the next 25 years.

We hope those who sponsored the building and then the fitting out of the Linklater will visit and check the donor lists are accurate. 

The bird group's annual review of their sightings and recordings provides an interesting overview of the avian population.




A bumper edition that concentrates on the RLWT's working relationships with Lewes District Council, Priory School, Sussex Wildlife Trust and the University of Sussex.

Settle down for a good read!





Packed with details of the completion of the Linklater Pavilion project and proposed events for the Spring and Summer on the Reserve, this newsletter also contains the papers for the AGM on the 15th April. If you don't know what a gobbet is, find out on page 12!




Marvel at the bravery of the Firewalkers! Learn about the bird and reptile surveys. Check out the Sunday afternoon opening of the Linklater Pavilion. 

Above all...don't miss out on welcoming the bees to their new hive on June 11th, Bee the Buzz, 2-6pm




Packed with information about the developing integrated programme of activities at the Linklater and on the Reserve, this edition is well worth viewing in colour - not least for the dramatic photos from Alec Bennison and John Tooley.

Keep up to date with the 'Month of Sundays' charity events and news of the wildflower meadow planting around the Pavilion.




Details of recent events, news of the Photographic Competition (closing date 16th January 2012) and reports on conservation work on the Railway Land Local Nature Reserve and Chilly Brook.

This photo of the Heart of Reeds mound covered in snow was taken by Neil Merchant, Trustee





An edition that celebrates the partnerships that have led to the success of the Railway Land Project. We celebrate the new building as it nears completion of the core building works. Plans for the Wonderful Wildlife Festival on May 22nd are outlined and the papers for the AGM explain the fine detail of the Linklater project.

Sir John Tomlinson sings in the new building at the Topping Out ceremony on the 16th March, and Rodmell school are delighted to be the first visitors to see inside.​




As the Pavilion neared completion this edition celebrated the hugely successful Wonderful Wildlife Festival that attracted 2000 visitors to the reserve. The day, planned by Trustee, Liz Williams, Cllr David Gray, and Ranger, Dan Ross, was the RLWT's contribution to the Year of Biodiversity 2010. Families enjoyed numerous free activities on a gloriously sunny day. A marked contrast to the waterlogged River Festival held in 2008!

Members of the Trust were invited to apply for tickets for the opening celebration to be held on October 16th. The Linklater Pavilion will be fitted out during August and September by volunteers and Trustees.​




The celebration opening of the Linklater Pavilion, took place as planned on October 16th 2010, 13 months after building work started. All the fitting out was led by an inspired Dave Sykes, aided by a team of volunteer painters and labourers.

Join us in this proud moment for the RLWT!



The Linklater Pavilion will be built!

This edition is packed with information - about the decision to build, bird life on the Reserve, 'all change' at the JMB and Jon Gunson's special take on why we bother with conservation.






Latest details of the Linklater Pavilion building project, plus information about a 'Sidings Safari', the '2020 vision' exhibition in the Foundry Gallery and the 'Pavilion Rocks' appeal are to be found in this early summer newsletter. Now is the time to renew your membership of the RLWT and if you want to support our work and enjoy this website, please become a member!




This edition is packed with reviews of the 2020 vision exhibition, work undertaken by the Participants, the Minders Group and Dan Ross plus articles by Jon Gunson, Liz Williams and Derek Martin.

Work starts on building the Pavilion on the 14th September, and a major launch event is to be held in the Town Hall at 7.15pm on the 11th November.




The Linklater Pavilion rises from the ground; the Roof is well and truly raised in the Town Hall; and sponsorship of doors windows and the kitchen fit out takes off.


A Celebration of Achievement

This limited edition booklet was produced to celebrate the completion of the NC4All project.

Alec, Andrew, Andy, Barry, Brian, Bryan, Carole, David, Dawn, Jackie, Jeffrey, Kathy, Linda, Matthew, Michael, Miles and Rob - we salute you!


This first newsletter of 2008 celebrates the huge amount of voluntary work done on the Reserve and for the Trust. It also contains the announcement that we have reached the magic £500,000 needed to enter the final phase of fund raising for the Linklater Pavilion. Read how the Mettyear Charitable Trust has promised up to £250,000 towards the cost of the building. Peter Mettyear the President of the Friends of Lewes, spoke movingly about his friend, Peter Linklater, at the RLWT press conference held on 31st January at Greyfriars Court.




The JMB Leighside Pond Project is formally opened on the 17th May, the 13th June sees the Reserve host the Second River Festival for local primary schools, and a massive sponsored walk led by the Nature Corridors for All group accompanied by over 130 friends from France and England.

A damp but upbeat Kaddie Lee Preston assists the JMB as they open their bridge on Leighside Pond on Saturday 17th May




Bumper edition containing information on birds and wild flowers plus reports and pictures of the River Festival and sponsored walk. 

The picture shown here was taken by Peter Cripps of the Sussex Express, from R. Green's cherry picker hoist. 

The assembled primary school children, walkers and supporters mark out the 'footprint' of the proposed Linklater Pavilion.




John Parry calls for every additional pound to help us build the Linklater Pavilion, and the response has been very heartening. People are also pledging money, so that if we receive a suitably realistic tender by January 29th 2009, we can count on their support. 

Elsewhere in this full colour edition are details of the recent tree works, advance news of Kaddie Lee Preston's 'Inside Out' programme on the Winterbourne, and more Turner Tales.





Newsletter 55. You will be able to see all the photographs in colour as soon as the newsletter becomes 'live' on this site. Extra photos on this page mentioned in the article 'Alternative Route' include 'pink bloom on the signal box ditch'; 'sedge tussocks'; and 'bulrushes and bridges'. 

Friday 16th March 2007- 7.30 pm: The Railway Land Wildlife Trust AGM will be held at Greyfriars Court.





This newsletter describes the main events that will take place during the river festival of 30th June, 2007, as well as an abridged version of Alex Kirby's talk titled ' Trouble Ahead: why Lewes needs the Railway Land.'




Find out how the sponsored walk and auction raised over £8,000 for the Linklater Pavilion. Robert Cash raised £1,650 through his own efforts. Squelch your way through the first River Festival and enjoy the news of the French exchange as part of Nature Corridors for All and celebrate our champion tree!

Latest News: Angela Macpherson opened her garden as part of Art Wave and helped raise £180 towards the Pavilion from a percentage of sales of the mosaics on display and through sales of coffee and refreshments. Our thanks to all the generous donors who helped make this event such a success.






Two articles featuring the historical railway era of the Reserve in the 50's and 60's, plus details and photos of the recent ditch works and the Junior Management Board's Leighside pond restoration, make this newsletter an informative read! We continue to raise money for the proposed Linklater Pavilion and John Parry's illustrative 'first year bookings diary' gives a good idea of the range and potential uses of this much needed centre.

Here Liz Williams from the Trust and Dan Ross, the Ranger, inspect root systems as the Minders conservation group take to a boat on Heart of Reeds.

This is Pat's 50th Newsletter and we are all so grateful for her excellent editing over many years. Thanks Pat and long may it continue! JP




Read about Living on the Edge2, the launch of the Linklater Pavilion Appeal and enjoy a full colour spread of photos of both events. Liz Williams and Jenifer Barton's article on the flora colonisation of the Heart of Reeds is a delight, and the Ranger's report and notes of the committee's site walk give rise to detailed explanation of why work on the site is necessary.

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