Fixed Point Photography
The adults with learning disabilities that are involved in the Railway Land through the Nature Corridors for All project, were commissioned by the National Trust in 2005 to take fixed point photographs to help in the study of the effects of long-shore drift and coastal erosion.
Heart of Reeds
Land artist Chris Drury's design for a reed bed began to take shape in the Autumn of 2004. A key part of the design was to create marginal strips between water and land which would vary depending on the height of the water. Another key part of the design was the use of the cardiac twist which led to a distinctive central area of the Heart of Reeds.
The development and progress of this area has been recorded by adults with learning disabilities. Their record gives us a wonderful glimpse into the seasonal changes of the area settles. More recently, there has been significant development on the opposite bank of the River Ouse. This drives home the crucial role the reserve plays in flood mitigation.